PLEASE READ: As of the 31st March 2020, IRM will cease to be a Cyber Essentials Accreditation Body. Our Certification Bodies will either transition to the new operator (IASME) or cease to provide certification services.
Any certification started prior to the 31st March 2020 will be completed as long as it is done by the 31st June 2020 at the latest.
By started, we mean that you have completed a questionnaire and are awaiting assessment for CE basic or your Certification Body has started the necessary vulnerability scanning of your networks and systems but you are still waiting for that to complete.
No work can start after the 31st March 2020 as this will be in breach of our contract with the National Cyber Security Centre. Please visit the IASME website for further details.
Cyber Essentials is a UK Government-backed certification scheme designed to help organisations protect themselves from the most common internet-based threats.
The Cyber Essentials scheme provides guidance to help organisations of all sizes to measure their defences against common forms of cyber-attacks. Selected by industry experts, the technical controls within the scheme reflect those covered in well-established standards. Cyber Essentials offers a sound foundation of basic hygiene measures that all types of organisations can implement and potentially build upon.